Natsoft Setup Instructions
There are a few steps required when first setting up the LiveLaps Results Display to be used with the Natsoft Race Timing System.
The setup is only required to be done the first time the software is run and then from that point on you will only need to Open the Natsoft Distribution Channel and Click Connect on the Results Display Software.
Setup a Distribution Channel
Setting up the Distrobution Channel only needs to be done once.
Open the Distribution Channel (Results Link)
NOTE: The Distribution channel will automatically change to the next active race.
NOTE: This window needs to remain open to transmit results. The window may be minimized.
Set Up the Results Display Connection
NOTE: The Natsoft Directory field is optional, but it does allow for additional information (laps remaining, class running, event name) to be displayed.
Connect to the Distribution Channel
NOTE: If an error message is shown,
Check the IP address of the PC running the Results Link Window.
Check the Port number for the Distribution Channel.
NOTE: The Natsoft Results Link window needs to remain open to transmit results. The window may be minimized.